Wayfinder Retreats
Take time away from your normal routine to find your most authentic self.

Wayfinder Retreats is owned and led by Runa Yoga. It's more than a yoga retreat; it's being in touch with nature, finding adventure, dipping into relaxation, and connecting with your community. All retreats resemble a CAMP yoga experience. So be ready to explore your inner child with bunk beds, hearty food, and outdoor adventures. Make it your own!
The Story
Behind The Logo
Let's take a journey back to the beginning. The name Runa stems from an old Norse word meaning secret; or secret knowledge. We all show up on our mat (whether we realize this or not) with our own stories, pasts, and futures that we're heading towards. And that is what you work through on your mat because so much of what you experience is through the lens of your own stories.
When designing the studio concept in 2018, we knew we wanted a big, beautiful mandala for people to have as a focal point while practicing and to give this bright, beautiful space some vibrancy and life. We commissioned a local artist, Tom Rossman, out of Duluth, Minnesota.
Inspiration brought us back to the Viking, Norwegian, and Icelandic roots, and we found the Vegvisir. The Vegvisir is thought to be a compass that would help guide you through rough weather and point you in the right direction.
We knew we wanted to use the Vegvisir as our logo. It is said that if it's carried, one will never lose their way in storms or bad weather, even if the way is unknown. It can show, point or indicate the way. The Vegvisir is the Wayfinder. We knew it had to be the name and sign for our yoga retreats: Wayfinder Yoga Retreats!